Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 55
Practice the Opposite
Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!
Notes from this episode are below.
Practice behaviors that are opposite of what you normally do. Changing your behaviors can sometimes be as challenging as disrupting your routine.
When you challenge your norms and stretch your comfort zone you grow yourself and your capabilities.
Here’s how to do the opposite from the DiSC assessment perspective…
DiSC assessments teach us about ourselves and others. They elevate emotional intelligence and enable us to better navigate our professional and personal worlds. You can learn more about them in Ever Better Today Episode 23.
If you’re a D, you may be seen as dominant in meetings. You speak out and are fast-paced in your decisions. You can come across as abrupt because you are more goal-oriented than people-oriented.
Practice the opposite behavior by taking a less dominant role in a meeting. If you speak less, it gives others more time to express their thoughts. Encourage others to contribute!
Dominant (D)
If you’re an “i” you may be known as a “social butterfly” who is authentically interested in others. People may tell you you’re acting “extra” on occasion because you exude so much energy.
Like the Ds, you can practice opposite behaviors by speaking less and encouraging others to contribute more.
Influence (I)
If you’re an “S” you want everyone to feel comfortable and secure. You ensure that the group operates at a steady pace. You may prioritize others’ voices before your own.
Practice making your voice prominent by speaking out more in meetings. You may be pleasantly surprised that your team loves to hear what you have to say!
Steadiness (S)
If you’re a “C’ you are more analytical and detail-oriented. You value a thorough analysis before making a decision.
Try taking a bit more risk! Practice tapping into your instincts and making decisions with limited data.
Conscientiousness (C)
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