Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 53

 Speaking Up In Meetings

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

Let's be honest. There are those people in the room who speak up regularly and those who don't. Chances are you know the people in your life who do speak up a lot. For others, it can be initimidating to and challenging to get yourself heard by others. But here's something that I've discovered over time…the more you speak out, the more people expect you to share your thoughts and take notice of what you have to say!

I challenge you to speak up when you have a contributions to make - even if you aren’t confident about what you’re sharing.


Tips on how to speak up in meetings and be heard:

  1. Start Small. Begin with a couple of ideas or questions you can prepare ahead of time, and over time, it will become easier and more natural to jump into the conversation.

  2. Be the first to speak. Don't be afraid to be the first one to speak up . . . TRY IT.

  3. Look for allies and together elevate your voices. Find allies who share your views who will repeat and give you credit for your ideas in a group setting. And, you’ll do the same for them.

  4. Look for supporters in the room, approach them and seek help. Ask for feedback and support from your colleagues, the meeting facilitator, your boss, a senior member of the company, or a mentor. Tell them you want to improve, and in most cases, they’ll gladly help you to develop your skills.

  5. Take action and practice your response when people start talking over you. Acknowledge that what you have to say is valuable and should be heard. Discourage sidebar conversations that distract from your message. If you're speaking in a meeting and others start talking, get the floor back and hold on to it.


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