Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 50

 You Are A Masterpiece, Part 3 - Create Your Team

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

As you recognize and develop your talents, make a habit of looking for those who can and will support you. Build your team! DO NOT be afraid to ask for assistance.
You’ll find that many people love to help!


Building your team is one step in creating your masterpiece.
Listen to episodes 48 and 49 to learn more. Then…
Go to
everbetteru.com/masterpiece to download my worksheet, You Are A Masterpiece.

You don’t need to feel isolated. Create your support system! Here’s how…

  1. Weigh your plans. Assess what you need assistance with. Find one person who can help. As you crystallize your direction, you’ll get more clear on who to welcome into your life.

  2. Ask your family and friends for support. Do you have siblings, cousins, co-workers, friends or other relatives who can be of assistance? Ask one of them to tutor you on whatever area you want to develop. Maybe it’s financial statements, public speaking or creating a business plan. Often you’ll find that they’re grateful to provide assistance.

  3. Look for professional assistance or a mentor. Creating your team could involve paying someone for professional assistance. If you need guidance, it’s well worth the investment. It can make the difference between stalling and quitting or moving forward at a rapid pace.

  4. Know your purpose. As you develop your plans, you’ll identify more people to assist you. Maybe they’re already a part of your team, and you can ask them to help you a bit more.

  5. What can you help? Don’t be someone who takes without giving. As you receive assistance, look for those you can help. Who might you be able to help elevate?

Erika Ettin is an online dating coach.

The first steps of her career involved working for a financial institution. She realized that this was not the best use of her talents and that she was great at helping people to create relationships. She unmasked this skill and recognized that her adjacent possible was to create a company where she helped single people find their match online. And that’s how A Little Nudge was born!

Erika Ettin and “A Little Nudge”


Go to everbetteru.com/masterpiece to download You Are A Masterpiece Handout.


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