Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 49

 You Are A Masterpiece - Part 2: Adjacent Possible!

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

Unmask your capabilities and practice sharing them with the world. Then consider what’s possible. What can you create to be in service to others, to develop your career, to make a difference in the world?!


Recognizing your adjacent possible is one step in seeing yourself as a masterpiece.
Listen to episodes 48 and 50 to learn more. Then…
Go to
everbetteru.com/masterpiece to download my worksheet, You Are A Masterpiece.

Use your talents to unlock opportunities

  1. Identify and use your given skills, assets and talents.

  2. Invest in learning about and practicing whatever lights you up!

  3. Consider a wider perspective than you normally would.


What’s your adjacent possible?

  1. What's hovering on the edges of the present state for you? This is your shadow future.

  2. What have you been masking that you could unmask? 

  3. What skills could use at an even greater level?

  4. When you use your skills to a greater extent, what's possible for you?

  5. How can you impact other people?


References and inspiration for this episode:

Where Good Ideas Come From” by Steven Johnson

The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things.

The strange and beautiful truth about the adjacent possible is that its boundaries grow as you explore them.

Each new combination opens up the possibility of other new combinations.


“Worldwide Speech” founded by Erin Long

As a speech pathologist, Erin Long was dedicated to helping children develop their speech-language skills. Part of the State Department Foreign Service community, Erin recognized the need to provide speech therapy and related services to American students living with their families abroad.

And WorldWide Speech was born!

Now Erin is back in the U.S., and has expanded her customer base to students in the U.S.

Her adjacent possible was seeing the opportunity to use her skills to serve students living abroad. And then, her adjacent possible expanded to serve students anywhere in the world.

You can learn more about Erin and her team at worldwidespeech.com


“Hope Blooms” established by Kelly Krenzel

Kelly Krenzel worked at a hospice and recognized how much people appreciated receiving flowers. She saw that it created joy and moved them from feeling isolated to included.

Kelly recognized that there were many flowers that could be repurposed to brighten someone’s day from churches, florists and farms.

Her adjacent possible led her to create Hope Blooms the organization that is “changing lives, one bouquet at a time.”

Hope Blooms repurposes donated flowers and rearranges them into beautiful bedside bouquets so that those who are in need most in our community feel a sense of inclusion.

You can learn more at hopeblooms.org


Go to everbetteru.com/masterpiece to download my worksheet, You Are A Masterpiece.


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