Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 48

 You Are A Masterpiece - Part 1: Unmask!

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

“Illuminate all the pieces of your life that make you extraordinary and powerful and magical and wonderful so that you can think about your next step.”


Unmasking your potential is one step in seeing yourself as a masterpiece.
Listen to episodes 49 and 50 to learn more. Then…
Go to
everbetteru.com/masterpiece to download my worksheet, You Are A Masterpiece.

Steps on how to unmask your potential!

  1. Think about things that you are capable of doing at a higher level. Write down what those things are and then say them out loud. When you speak your ideas, they become more real and tangible, and you’re more likely to move forward with them.

  2. Speak out for yourself. Find someone to discuss your career goals and options with. Discuss topics that you’ve been thinking about but haven’t shared with anyone yet. Consider talking to a friend or trusted colleague before you talk to your boss or someone more senior.  

  3. Start simple. If you’re considering creating a business or making a bold move, do more research and draft a business plan or life plan. Start simple! It doesn't need to be complicated. Just get started!

  4. Assess the areas of your life where you could have greater impact. Who can you serve that could really use your assistance? Where could you have a greater impact on the world?

  5. Where can you take a bigger risk? What have you been thinking about doing that you haven't said out loud or that you haven't shared with someone yet? Think about the next steps in order to make that happen. How can you unmask and reveal your potential. Start with a couple of small steps and build from there.


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