Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 03
Setting Your Daily Priority
Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!
Notes from this episode are below.
Ask yourself: if you could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be? What one thing is most important to you?
Set your one daily priority, and then fill gaps in your plans with the tasks that aren’t as important.
If your daily priorities are set realistically and intentionally, they will add up to an impressive lifetime of accomplishments!
How do you set your daily priority?
A simple analogy of setting your daily priority and time management.
Start with the Big Rock
Then Add the Pebbles
And Fill in the Sand
After That, Let Go...And Enjoy Life
Bonus Tip - Make it a Lifelong Habit
The big rock represents your daily priority which happens to be in alignment with your lifelong priorities. The mason jar represents your day. The pebbles and the sand represent the things in your life that are not nearly as important as that big rock.
The lesson here?
Accomplish that big thing for the day. You'd feel accomplished. Note that your priorities might change wherein your pebbles and sand today might be your big rock tomorrow.
Remember to set your daily priority and make it consistent with your lifelong priorities. And when you do that each day, you'll be amazed at what you accomplish!
Here’s a simple animation about the impact of focusing on the important things in life...or how, when you focus on the minutia, you end up missing out on the important things. This metaphor is applicable to both one's personal life as well as school or work life.
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